Chop Sizzle Wow

A highly original graphic cook book from Phaidon.

Chop Sizzle Wow, paperback, £12.95 / €16.95, Phaidon 2014 –


Chop Sizzle Wow is a little different from your average cook book. Instead of the usual photo/recipe combination that books of this type typically follow Chop Sizzle Wow features comic book style illustrated instructions for each recipe.

020-1-Pizza-MargheritaPizza Margeherita / Appetizers


Inside there are 50 classic Italian recipes with step-by-step illustrated instructions on their preparation. The book is split into 5 sections (Apertizers, Pasta, Main Courses, Desserts & Baking and Extra Stuff) with a short introduction that gives an overview of italian cookery and the key ingredients.

Chop Sizzle WowTiramisu / Desserts


The book features illustrations by Adriano Rampazzo, a Brazilian artist who also trained as a chef. His artwork perfectly suits the content of the book and I’m sure his background helped him identify the key steps in each recipe.

Chop Sizzle WowStrawberry Granita / Desserts

Who should buy this book?

It’s a great book for fans of Italian food, cooking and illustration and also an interesting alternative to a typical cook book. Would make a nice gift for friends that love Italian food but shy away from cooking from scratch.

You can find the book via the Phaidon website Chop Sizzle Wow
